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Contemporary world Issues/ Genius hour

Contemporary World Issues

Students will explore various world issues.  The direction the course takes will be determined in large part with student interests in mind.  Students will be presented with a list of possible topics each grading period and the class will decide on a number of issues to study during that grading period.  In addition, this class will participate in Genius Hour sometimes known as the 20% Project.  Students will select any topic that they are interested (passionate) in learning more about and present their learnings to the class at the end of the grading period.  They will select a new topic each nine weeks.  The handout explaining the process can be found on this wesite.

Evaluation is an ongoing process throughout each nine week period.  Each assignment will be given a point value which will vary according to the level of difficulty and importance.  At the end of each grading period all points are averaged to determine a final grade.  Students will be graded on daily work, quizzes, tests, projects, and class participation.

Participation directly affects how much a student will learn and includes the following: oral participation in class, behavior, and preparation.  Students need to do more than just show up for class and answer questions when called on.  A raised hand can raise the grade.  Paying attention, asking questions to clarify understanding, keeping up with work, and doing one’s best, all contribute to the participation grade.  There will be a final project each semester which counts 15% of the student’s final semester grade.

Opportunities for extra points are given only when offered to the class as a whole.  There will be no extra credit offered to an individual student.  Students should take advantage of bonus opportunities when offered.

Homework is not busywork.  Homework is additional practice or preparation for the next day’s assignment, discussion, quiz, or test. 

The basic classroom expectations:

Respect yourself.

Respect others, their space, their property, and their opinions.


No limit on topic – Choose something you are truly interested in learning.  Your topic will be due Wednesday, August 30, at the beginning of class.  Have your topic written on a 3 x 5 card with three reasons you chose the topic.  You will tell the rest of the class what you chose and why.  We will discuss the suitability as a seven week project.  Narrow it down! Your first workday will be August 31.

No more than one class period per week—This will usually be a Thursday but will be flexible. 

Keep a work log—You need to keep a work log that includes 1) what you did each work day, 2) what you did any time outside class that you spent on your project, 3) one thing you learned that learning period, 4) one thing you need to find.  Your log is a separate grade worth 100 points.  Be specific!!!

Your final project will be a 5-7 minute digital presentation.  No Power Point nor Google Slides! 

            You may use notecards but may not read your notes.  Use them as a guide.

            You may use no more than 30 seconds of video.

 Not meeting the time limit (5-7 minutes) will result in a 10% deduction of your grade.

You must have a works cited page as the last slide of your presentation.

Use good presentation skills!  We will discuss.

Genius Hour Project counts 10% of your final quarter grade—20% of your class time; 10% of your final grade. 

Each presentation will be videotaped.

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